Carrying a Credit Card Balance?

We can help you pay off debt faster and save on interest.

Why transfer your credit card balance to HCP?

It’s stress-free!

Stop juggling multiple due dates, interest rates and cards!

You’ll pay less!

Our credit card charges a lower rate than most credit cards.

It’s Free!

We never charge a balance transfer fee or annual fee!

Think it through!

PROS of a balance transfer:

  • Pay your balance faster: Having a lower interest rate means more of your payment pays the balance.

  • Improve your credit score: By reducing your credit utilization ratio, you can potentially improve your credit score.

  • Breathe easier with one bill: Having one bill instead of multiple can reduce stress and assist you in budgeting.

CONS of a balance transfer:

  • Thinking it removes your debt: Balance transfer does NOT eliminate your debt.

  • Temptation to spend more: It can be tempting to spend more with a seemingly clean slate.

  • Potential for debt shuffling: Without a clear plan, you may end up in a cycle of debt.

Get started!

Apply for our HCP Credit Card