Fraud Prevention: Protecting Your HCP Debit Card & Credit Card

Fraud Prevention Program  

Our credit union has a robust Fraud Prevention Program to protect your accounts from fraudulent activity.  We need your help to ensure the program works properly.   

How Does The Program Work? 

When we suspect fraud on your account, we will reach out to you for two main reasons:  (1) to confirm your debit card or credit card is still in your possession and (2) to confirm recent transaction amounts.     

How Will HCP Contact You Regarding Suspected Fraud?

You will receive a phone call from our Fraud Department partner.  If you do not answer the call, in order to protect your account, we may disable your debit or credit card until we are able to verify whether the fraudulent activity has occurred.  You will never receive a text message or email regarding fraud on your account. 

Debit Card: If your debit card is suspected of having a fraudulent transaction, our debit card fraud partner will contact you by phone. If you do not answer, they will leave a message asking you to return the call. If you do not feel comfortable returning this call, please call our main number during business hours at 765-962-3172.  

Credit Card: If your credit card is suspected of having a fraudulent transaction, we will contact you by phone.. If you do not answer, your card may be placed on a protective hold.    

What Information Will HCP Ask For Over The Phone? 

Our fraud department will only verify transaction dates and amounts with you. We will NEVER ask you for your personal information or account numbers over the phone. We never send text messages or emails related to fraudulent activity. Please do not click on any links that appear to be from HCP via text.  

Should I Trust My Caller ID To Verify It Is HCP Credit Union? 

No. Currently, scammers are making calls look like they are coming from local numbers and can even make the name appear to be ours.   

If I Receive A Call That I Think Is A Scam, What Should I Do?

 Immediately hang up and call us directly at 765-962-3172 to verify that the call you received was a legitimate call and not a scam. If you call us after hours, please leave a voicemail so that our team can be alerted to your concerns.     

You Have Control! Turn Your Debit Card and Credit On/Off: 

HCP Online Banking and Mobile Banking app come with a handy security feature built right in. With one tap, you can remotely deactivate and activate your debit card and or credit card if you've misplaced it, or just for added security.  On the main menu, look for “Remote Control Cards”.*    


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