Happy International Credit Union Day!

Credit unions around the world will celebrate International Credit Union Day on Thursday, October 21, 2021.  This year’s theme is ‘Building financial health for a brighter tomorrow’. Financial well-being for all is a shared commitment among Credit Unions and it’s at the heart of what we do here at HCP Credit Union!

Financial well-being is the state of a person’s financial situation, their degree of control, and how they feel about their money. How do credit unions make financial well-being the heart of their mission and structure? 

  1. Equal Ownership:  Credit unions are democratically controlled and member owned and member-operated. Each member has equal ownership and one vote regardless of how much money they have in savings.

  2. Not for Profit:  Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives that provide a safe place for members to save money and access loans and other financial services at reasonable rates.

  3. Social Purpose: Credit unions exist to serve their members, not to make a profit. Every member counts, including those of modest means. This “people-first” philosophy drives what we do. 

  4. Volunteer Leadership:  Each credit union is governed by a volunteer board of directors elected by and from the credit union’s membership.

  5. Financial Education for Members:  We place importance on educational opportunities for members and the public to help everyone become better-educated consumers of financial services. 

Our shared commitment is to continue to accelerate the vital work of improving financial well-being for our members and advancing the communities we serve.  Happy International Credit Union Day from our team at HCP Credit Union!!


Jan 2022 Newsletter


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